We often overlook our underarms & dismiss proper underarm care. Bukan muka sahaja kena jaga, your underarms also need love. Here I’m gonna share armpit routine for clear & fresh underarms.

1. Use oil cleanser/micellar water to remove sweat & excess deodorant Before going to bed every night, you boleh guna oil cleanser or micellar water to cleanse your underarms. By doing this, kita dapat buang peluh & excess deodorant that clogs pores under the arms.

2. Exfoliate regularly This step boleh buat every other day tapi make sure untuk guna a really gentle product untuk avoid underarms jadi kering. By doing this, kita dapat remove all the dead skin. Yang ada masalah dark underarms wajib buat this step.

3. Apply toner Toners that are meant for your face can also be used on your underarms especially one with actives like AHA & BHA. By doing this, underamrs akan jadi lebih cerah, smoother & healthier. Cuma kena rajin sikit.

4. Moisturize Using a body lotion or body butter boleh bantu untuk counter masal4h dry underarms. Kalau nak skip this step, you can opt for a deodorant with moisturizing properties. Also, aim for deodorant yang antiodour natural compared to chemical antiperspirant yang widely used (not specific to any brands). Ia tak hent1kan proses berpeluh, tapi atas1 bau peluh disebabkan oleh bakteria. Peluh berbau sebab bakteria.

5. Wax/epilate instead of shaving. Instead of shaving, you should wax or use an epilator sebab dia akan buang bulu dari akar. Kalau shave, bulu tak tercab0t dari akar & akan tumbuh dengan kasar. Another plus point of waxing/epilating, bulu akan ambil masa untuk tumb0h semula.

Pic; BeautyMNL

Credit; Dr. Irma Shida

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